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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April 25 - WWW DPZ FIX

Jim live from Michigan University! His first pick was WWW Wolverine World Wide Incorporated

Closing Price: $24.40
After Hours High: $25.69
Percent Increase at High: 5.3%
Price Level Off Point: $25.30
Percent Increase at Level Off Point: 3.7%

I actually shorted one of Cramer's recent shoe picks, CROX and it was a very fast and simple short. It also went down for days, if not weeks after. Cramer also picked SHOO on March 3rd when it was in the mid-30's. It is now sitting at $50. Unfortunately WWW trades on the NYSE so I will have to wait till 9:30am tomorrow to see if there is any shorting left in it.

To make a comparison, SHOO went as high as $33.70 after the Cramer mention on March 3rd, an increase of $1.33. It hit a low of $32.02 the next day. WWW went up $1.29! Pretty darn close if you ask me. This doesn't mean the exact same action will happen tomorrow, but I wouldn't be surprised for this to go below $25. FYI....SHOO had a dip in the pre-market, before a rising just before the bell and then went on a downward trend for the rest of the day.

Cramer had on the CEO from DPZ Dominos Pizza Inc.

Closing Price: $27.20
After Hours High: $28.00
Percent Increase at High: 2.3%
Price Level Off Point: $27.65
Percent Increase at Level Off Point: 1.7%

This one didn't go up too much. It was mentioned right before 6:30pm and the trading tends to slow considerably at that point (I think because some brokerages, such as mine, shut down at that time). This trades on the NYSE, so for me it would be another watcher until 9:30am. Anything around $28 would be a good short, but I don't see it going that high in the morning. Otherwise it is pretty deflated already and not much left to short.

Cramer's third pick was FIX Comfort Systems USA Inc.

Closing Price: $14.66
After Hours Price: $15.27
Percent Increase: 4.2%

Looks like someone bought this 16 minutes into Cramer's show....even though he didn't mention it for another 25 minutes or so. Too bad they paid $15.20 and really didn't make a great trade. Cramer said something along the lines of a $20 dollar stock masquerading as a $15 stock. When Cramer puts an actual price on his picks people tend to bid them up pretty well. So far, not really the case with FIX tonight as far as I can see. Since it is the cheapest of his picks I wouldn't be surprised for this one to have the most attention tomorrow of the 3 picks. Even so, I see it drifting back to the low $15 range.

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