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Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26th - Repeat Show

Well, after Cramer didn't do his radio show today, I was pretty sure that Mad Money was going to be a repeat show, and yes...yes it was. Doesn't look like Cramer picks stocks in this repeat so probably nothing to play. If anything worth while is mentioned I may come back and update this post.

Looks like Fast Money is back on this Wednesday at 8:00pm Eastern time according to my digital tv guide. Maybe just a weekly show? Worth a look if you ask me.

Comments on "June 26th - Repeat Show"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (June 26, 2006 6:52 PM) : 

The bald man has finally run out of picks!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (June 26, 2006 7:18 PM) : 

In today's Barron's there is an article about the wakening BEAR. After reading the story and the stats, I feel it important to take some large short positions. Any ideas?


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (June 26, 2006 8:41 PM) : 

Well I have to wonder if Cramer is off for the entire week. He does a "Main Event" next week, so this isn't his typical Monday off before a "live" show. If he is off all week, look out for some repeat shows with picks, which I'm sure will get bid up some. I'm just not sure they will get enough buyers to be able to make a good short sell.

And I found an article by Sandra Ward on Barron's. I assume its the same one? I would be wary to start any big short postions before Bernanke has his say. He may tank the market, but he may also give hints to a stop of rate hikes that could spark a rally, even if it is only short lived. The comments that the hedge funds (from the article) remain positive is a bit concerning to me. I don't really trust what they have to say because I think it is in their best interest to have the retail investors remain positive so they can take advantage. Because if there are no retail traders, its hedge fund vs. hedge fund and what fun is that? Yes, a bit of an exageration....but still. Beyond that, I'm not much of a short seller outside of Cramer's picks. I like the "edge" Cramer's picks create with simple supply and demand rules and crowd mentality. In a down market I would personally be far more inclined to stay on the sidelines.

I am working on creating a discussion form to attach to my ever growing blog in hopes of creating an opportunity for other investors to give their general thoughts and opinions on shorting Cramer and other topics. You could then maybe get some insight from someone who may be shorting outside of Cramer's picks. Because currently these comments get pushed down as I add new posts and are easily forgotten. I should have the board up this week...I hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (June 27, 2006 12:43 PM) : 

How will we be able to access your 'side-bar' discussion blog? It might be interesting.


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (June 27, 2006 4:56 PM) : 

Well the discussion site is almost up and ready. I will probably swap out the default comments from the blog and have it directed to the new site...and post some reminder links as well now and then. Just waiting for some admistrative thing to get sorted out and it will be good to go. Hopefully it could be up tonight...


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