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Monday, March 27, 2006


Well I’m an idiot….for 2 reasons. First, I decided to short DXCM because SNTS dropped a lot from Friday’s after hours close and was hanging around $6.80 this morning down from $7.21. I saw a big jump from the Friday after hours close of DXCM and thought it was people paying way to much so I set my order for 300 shares short. I failed to notice that DXCM got FDA approval this morning for their Diabetes monitor. So, even though I set my short sell at $22 and the price was only around $21.50 at the time, my order was suddenly filled, I assume once people noticed the FDA approval. So, I was underwater for some time at the $22.50 range and then trading slowed. It started coming down to the $22.15 level so I re-set my buy to cover at $21.92………..or so I thought! I had actually messed up the order and typed in $22.92!!! Of course my order got filled right away at (Luckily!) $22.24. So I lost nearly $100 after commissions :( Now you may wonder if the buy I wanted would have hit…and yes…it would have. The low went to $21.75. Now, the stock is climbing once again and is over $23 now.
Update: The stock went as low as $20.64 later in the day

As for SNTS and FTEK: SNTS would have been probably a better play today after all (hindsight being 20/20). It went as high as $6.92 and went to $6.67, easily hitting my .10-cent drop in price target. FTEK hit a high of $15.96 in the pre-market and hit a low of $15.24 just after the regular open. Again, easily hitting my .20-cent price drop target, assuming I sold short at the right time.



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