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Monday, March 20, 2006

March 20th - Nothing again! :(

Well, Cramer must be on to me.....2 shows in a row without a shortable pick ;) . His first stock pick tonight was an IPO that isn't even out yet! Now, being Canadian, I was a little intrigued by his Tim Horton's picks (the coffee and donut shop of Canada). He says it could easily go to $28.00 but isn't a very good long term play because there isn't much growth. From what I understand, they are expanding slowly into the United States so maybe Cramer is missing the boat on this one? I have a friend of a friend who is a manager of some sort for Tim Horton's so maybe I will have to ask some questions to confirm this :) So, maybe if this stock climbs to $30 it could be a good short option at that point. Could be a lot like UARM Under Armor that hit $40 shortly after its IPO and quickly fell to below $30.00.

Cramer's second pick was MSPD Mindspeed Technologies Inc. It closed at $3.30 today and went as high as $4.65 after Cramer mentioned it, an increase of almost 41%. It has since calmed to around $4, which is still an increase of just over 21%. Anywhere over $4 would be a short if you ask me.....except of course I can't short stocks below $5!!! On the off chance this hits $5 by noon tomorrow I would short it, but it seems unlikely. I will post the chart tomorrow to see if I can spot the traditional Cramer effect or not.

Finally, Cramer picked TYL. This stock trades on the NYSE so I am not going to follow it.

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