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Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22nd - RIO SLB

Cramer's first segment looked at investing outside of the US. His pick was Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (RIO) (which is 1 of 4 upcoming stocks with this theme). A stock I owned up until last week and am now kicking myself for selling and missing out on the spike! Oh well, no regrets as I took my profits.

Closing Price: $30.62
After Hours High: $31.20
Percent Increase at High: 1.9%
After Hours Most Recent: $31.07
Percent Increase at Most Recent Price: 1.5%
Sector: Basic Materials
Days to Cover: 1.9
Short %: 0.90 %
% Held by Insiders: %
% Held by Institutions: 12.90 %
50 Day Moving Average: $28.33
200 Day Moving Average: $24.53
Average Price Drop for Sector: 5.5%

Well, it looks like I didn't miss out on too big of a spike, which also means there is little left to short with the stock up only 45-odd cents. The stock normally has good or bad days, with very few days of just a few cents change as it appears to trade more to the Brazilian market as opposed to mining stocks. Honestly I was hoping for the stock to come down to buy some shares back but it looks like that may not happen for a little while now. So I'm not overly interested in a short here.

Next Cramer looked at the oil services sector and turnaround. He looked at Schlumberger Limited (SLB) as the reason for the turnaround as they made it clear that oil services stocks aren't directly affected by the fluctuation in oil prices.

Closing Price: $61.00
After Hours High and Most Recent: $61.77
Percent Increase: 1.3%
Sector: Basic Materials
Days to Cover: 2.8
Short %: 2.01 %
% Held by Insiders: 2.87 %
% Held by Institutions: 77.80 %
50 Day Moving Average: $63.71
200 Day Moving Average: $63.24
Average Price Drop for Sector: 5.5%

Too expensive for my taste as the stock is up only 1.3%. I also stay away from oil and oil related stocks since the commodity price can trump the Cramer effect (even though the segment is about how oil services have nothing to do with oil prices, people will still trade as if it does, regardless of what Cramer or SLB least for now).

Comments on "January 22nd - RIO SLB"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 22, 2007 7:01 PM) : 

Are the short opportunities usually this few and far between, or is there an obvious slowdown.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 22, 2007 10:29 PM) : 

The short opptunities in my experience come a lot more often when Cramer is bullish and less when he is bearish. By the way, anyone playing his IPO recomendation. It opens tommorow morning at around 10:30. I will be buy at open (pre bid) and selling probably in the first 5 minutes. Going for 2-3 points. I went in my time machine and brought back AVAV's chart to my blog. If you care to see my guess on it just click on my name and it will take you there. Good luck to all.

P.S. If this is your first try at an IPO I would paper trade it and see how you would do. Its good practice and its FUN! (ok its just good practice I lied about the fun part)


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (January 22, 2007 10:57 PM) : 

The opportunities lessen as the market goes down because Cramer stays away from speculative stocks, sticks with recession proof stocks, and does a lot more educational segments. Not to mention, people get the hint that the market isn't doing too well and hold off buying the picks so quickly, which reduces the opportunity for picks that are, at other times, potential plays.

Good luck on AVAV tomorrow Green. I look forward to hearing how well it goes for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 22, 2007 11:33 PM) : 

There are many stocks in the market that are a short right now. They are all over the place.

Dr. Michael Roberts


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 8:22 AM) : 

Green Alien,

When you said (pre-bid), do you mean regular pre-market hours or pre-10:30?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 8:52 AM) : 

Mr. Roberts sure does seem like a negative nanny.

Dr. Roberts,

I don't think they're talking about short postions in general. I believe this whole site is geared towards exploiting the rapid/short movement of Cramer's picks.

Not trying to insult your intelleigence.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 9:48 AM) : 

I mean before it opens at 10:30ish Im going to place a limit order. Once it opens it moves so fast that its hard to get in. So I've placed a limit order at 25 so it will fill at open (hopefully 22).


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (January 23, 2007 10:23 AM) : 

I think he is just trying to pimp his new blog :) I'll tell you, its not very easy to get them noticed.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 10:35 AM) : 

any ideas what the other three Foriegn plys will be?

Maybe America Movil AMX


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (January 23, 2007 11:38 AM) : 

I'm not really sure about the Foriegn plays....but the will likely be BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) or maybe one of the 7 samurai's like a TM or HMC. The search feature for the blog doesn't seem to be working for me so I can't seem to find much of my content that refered to foriegn picks from the past.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 1:04 PM) : 

To anyone who cares, AVAV opened at 25 just at my limit order. Since it opened so high I set my sell order for 26 and made a point. It since has had the pullback from hell. Cramer sets these up so they open so high Im sure most of his followers got/are getting burnt real bad. Its not good at all...(I am ok with making my one point though)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 1:04 PM) : 

Antone have an opinion on FRPT? There are a lot of good things being said everywhere about the future of this company.


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (January 23, 2007 2:04 PM) : 

I think Cramer would be better off sticking with giving recomendations on IPOs after they have been trading for a few weeks/months that are little known. These tend to do very well (APKT, RVBD, DIVX all come to mind) instead of telling people to buy IPOs right when the start trading. I would guess that most people don't have the disipline that you show Green when trading the IPOs and likely get burned in the process. The people that get really rich off them are the ones that get the pre-IPO shares...and not every IPO will do like BIDU did a while back and climb all day long which is what people must be expecting. And I don't know about FRPT but I have a program at home that crunches some numbers for me that I like to use to look at the financials...I'll give it a scan.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 2:20 PM) : 

I have a write up on FRPT on my blog, We have reason to believe that they will be anouncing a new contract deal at the end of the month. I bought back at 14,18 and 20 and think it could go to 30. Thats the price target from Suntrust bank. I agree very much with you Cramertracker, Cramer should recomend the IPO once its been trading, then he can know exactly what price he is endorsing. I got a small amount of allocations that get boosted by cramers pumping but I would rather for the public good that he not do that.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 4:02 PM) : 

Just got off the phone with the Mad Money crew. She said they already covered FRPT yesterday. Is this true? If so, what was his take? Anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 4:09 PM) : 

Nevermind. Found it.

"One of those safety truck companies, safety military things. ... Is not for me. If you want to be in defense, we like FLIR (Flir Systems (FLIR) ) or NICE (Nice Systems (NICE) ) because we like homeland security."

Sounds like an ambiguous statement. No explanation as to why he thinks this.


Blogger CramerTracker said ... (January 23, 2007 4:52 PM) : 

I think his ligtening round formula is to say bearish to non-best of breed if he doesn't have anything else to say. He can't honestly be knowledgable on every stock out there. I'm not saying that you shouldn't listen to the lightening round, but it is impossible for him to know as much about those stocks then the ones he highlights in his segments...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 23, 2007 5:45 PM) : 

Sunw is up over 8% in after hours. First + report in a couple years. Is this a possible short play? If I remember correctly, Cramer is bearish on sun.


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