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Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19th - ED SO

Well, Mad Money was a bit of a yawner tonight, and with some reading between the lines, I have a feeling Cramer certainly thinks the market is in a downturn for at least the near future. His first segment looked at an upcoming IPO (so no short potential there) and some conservative, replacement bond stocks. Those 2 stocks were:

Consolidated Edison Inc. (ED)

Closing Price: $47.74
After Hours High: $ 48.09
Percent Increase at High: 0.73%
After Hours Most Recent Price: $ 47.90
Percent Increase at Most Recent Price: 0.34%
Sector: Utilities
Days to Cover: 10.1
Short %: 3.86 %
% Held by Insiders: 0.19 %
% Held by Institutions: 50.50 %
50 Day Moving Average: $48.00
200 Day Moving Average: $45.75

Southern Co. (SO)

Closing Price: $36.73
After Hours High: $ 37
After Hours Most Recent Price: $ 37
Percent Increase: 0.74%
Sector: Utilities
Days to Cover: 8.6
Short %: 2.24 %
% Held by Insiders: 0.04 %
% Held by Institutions: 42.90 %
50 Day Moving Average: $36.51
200 Day Moving Average: $34.08

Basically no movement with either of these safe stocks, so once again nothing to watch for come Monday.

And if this wasn't enough, Cramer even said to sit on the sidelines next week during his gameplan segment.

Comments on "January 19th - ED SO"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 19, 2007 11:02 PM) : 

The market is in for a downturn despite what many believe and think. I have outlined the reasons as to why I believe in my blogspot.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 19, 2007 11:53 PM) : 

Ahhh...IPO's my area of expertise. Funny thing cramertracker I have kept the same type of research you have except for IPO's. They are very time consistant as well...especially when Cramer mentions them. I averaged out some numbers on my old blog (from yahoo). Here is a copy and past from it.

If you want to get to my blog just click on my name (its my new one so it does not have the charts referenced above)

From the sampling shown the data indicates that the BEST time to buy BEFORE the high is in first 3 minutes, but not at open. The best time to sell is an average of 12-15 minutes after open. Of course every IPO is different and we would not expect them to all act like this. However this is something to keep in mind on simular IPO's as the ones shown here. (there were charts here)

Anyway if you want to play an IPO pop let me know and Ill tell you the chat room I will be on where I post my buys and sells in real time. (Just for fun) It is risky and it is fast so if thats not your cup of tea I understand. Typicaly make 1-3 point gain in first 15 minutes then close it out.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 20, 2007 12:11 AM) : 

IPO's are tough calls.

Sometimes the IPO opens high and then comes down for the rest of the day. Sometimes it opens low and then climbs from there.

You can never be sure where it will go or what it will do. Its a gamble.

I say to stick with stocks that have a history and are somewhat more predictable.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 20, 2007 1:30 AM) : 

Certainly they are tricky. There are signs you can use to predict whether they will go up and down. Just like the factors cramertracker uses to decide which of Cramers picks are good shorts. It is common for investors who don't know these signs be afraid of IPO's. However once you understand them it then its not a gamble anymore. On my blog I have a rating system that can give you an idea of where the stock will go. Also many IPO do have a history such as NMX,NYX,BOT these where all more than 50 years old. It all depends on the knowledge you have on it.

If you dont believe me I will be happy to tell you where I think AVAV ,which trades on Tuesday and you can see how close I can get.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 20, 2007 2:11 AM) : 

Its not a matter of believing you.

Its a matter of risk management.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 20, 2007 10:18 AM) : 

Yes certainly IPO's are not for thoes who don't like risk. However you can reduce risk by haveing all the information. If I acuratly can predict the IPO's performance regularly that would make it lower risk for me. Different people are in have different trading risk levels. I feel its the same level of risk as shorting Cramers stocks. Thats why I mentioned it here because I figured thats the type of investor that was reading here.


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