So DWSN didn't really fit the 52-week high mold today at peak at 10:30 (although it's second peak was near there, but for me the short would have been over before that point), but did play off the $35 resistance price. I replied to a comment this morning and said if it didn't break $35 at the opening bell at 9:30 that it would come down, and sure enough it did. It fell to $34.10 a minute into the regular market after seeing a high of $34.94 in the pre-market. The stock then rose again to $34.95 at 10:11am and then took an even bigger fall to $33 by 12:28pm. The price of oil did fall pretty hard during the day, below $70 a barrel so that probably played a large role.

CLB, the other 52-week high stock did follow the recent pattern of running higher until the 10:30am time range. CLB opened in the pre-market ($65.86) above last nights after hours close and continued to run up to $68.74 at 10:12am. It then dropped to $65.52 by 12:36pm.

FTI was a bit of an oddity. It opened in the pre-market below last nights regular close before the Cramer mention. It opened at $55.94 for 500 shares, .25 cents below yesterdays close of $56.19, and $1.10 below last nights after hours close. The stock didn't get back up to last nights price level until around 10:10am. It then continued up to $57.61 by 10:54am. This was an ANGO no short situation and wasn't exactly right but wasn't a bad call. This did have very strange price action today, but did have a lot of upward momentum and didn't have a typical price peak so I like to consider this a good ANGO rule call. The best time to short would have been after hours, but with low volume in the morning, covering might have proven difficult if anyone tried.

Comments on "Update - DWSN CLB FTI"
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.