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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 2nd - NTLI CELG

Cramer's first pick was BDK Black & Decker Corp.
This stock trades at $92.30 and went as high as $93.74 after hours before leveling off at $93.30 up $1.00. Just like UNP last night these pricey stocks don't move enough percentage-wise to bother shorting.

Cramer's second pick was CELG Celgene Corporation
Closing Price: $40.71
After Hours High: $41.93
Percent Increase at High: 3.0%
Price Level Off Point: $41.78
Percent Increase at Level Off Point: 2.6%

The high today during regular trading was $42.00, with the high after hours only $41.93. This is another example of the ANGO rule where I won't short a stock that didn't go and stay above the regular hours high after the Cramer mention. There is about a 50% success rate with this rule so I am sticking with it.

Cramer's third pick tonight was NTLI NTL HOLDINGS INC

Closing Price: $27.53
After Hours High: $28.65
Percent Increase at High: 4.1%
Price Level Off Point: $28.49
Percent Increase at Level Off Point: 3.5%
Short Percentage 6.77%

Cramer mentioned some price targets of $40 and $50 longer term and $31 in the near future for this one. This one has some good potential tomorrow for a quick short. They don't report until the 9th, and since the stock was down today there doesn't appear to be any sort of earnings runup as of yet to give this momentum. It has run up from the $23 since February. I could see this going to the low $28 level tomorrow with no new news.

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