Update - EMU CHTR
No Pre-market trades
Regular Hours Open: $12.41
Initial Spike Price: $12.44
Time of Spike: 9:33am
Initial Drop in Price from Initial Spike: down $0.21 (-1.7%) to $12.23
Time of Initial Drop: 9:51am
High for the Day: $12.44
Low for the Day: $12.13
End of Day Closing Price: $12.19, up $0.31
Pre-Market High: $ 3.28
Pre-Market Low: $ 3.18
Pre-Market Close: $ 3.26
Pre-Market Volume: 813,860
Last Nights Price: $3.35
Regular Hours Open: $3.26
Initial Spike Price: $3.26
Time of Spike: 9:30am
Initial Drop in Price from Initial Spike: down $0.10 (-3.1%) to $3.16
Time of Initial Drop: 10:41am
High for the Day: $3.26
Low for the Day: $3.15
End of Day Closing Price: $3.19, up $0.09
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