Update - AA YHOO
Not a great return to regular shows for shorting Cramer's picks today. AA had some decent pre-market action without any large volume trades. The stock opened at $33.10 at 7:52am after closing $33.45 last night in the after hours market. It quickly rose to $33.60 a few minutes after 8am, settled back down to the $33.40 range and dropped before the bell to $33.25. The stock then opened at 9:30am at $33.34 and had a pretty steady rise to its high for the day of $33.82 by 10:00am, with a slight breather at $33.64 back down to $33.50. Late in the day the price did come down to a low of $33.21. There were a few big volume trades around 11:00 am with volume by the minute of 111,000 and 266,000 when the price was around $33.60, off its brief highs and before the larger drop in price. Hard to say what these trades were. AA is reporting earnings on Monday, and a bit of chatter on the sector in general make this one a little "busy" and hard to count for the Cramer effect too much.
YHOO, an ANGO no-short pick turned out to be a good call (even though shorting wasn't really an option in my opinion anyway). The stock opened right near last nights price at $33.80 and never really looked back. It climbed to highs of $33.22 and never came back to last nights price. In the end, both of these stocks were too big for a Cramer effect, and with earnings season upon us I am going to have to be very careful with other companies in the same sector as Cramer's picks reporting "Before the Bell" in case it may have an effect.
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