DLTR traded lightly in the pre-market but the first trade was for 8000 shares. It hit a high of $25.92 at 9:23am and opened at that price as well at 9:30am. The stock traded very light last night but reached $26.44, so the morning action was well below that. The stock then hit a high of $26.32 at around 9:50am and went to a low after that of $25.94. If you look at the chart there is a slight rise and drop right near the opening bell before the bigger run up. I haven't seen this lately where the spike has taken a bit longer than usual. I wonder if people noticed that there was no real price increase from the Cramer mention and figured it was good time to buy, thus delaying the demand and subsequent spike, or maybe a problem on the NASDAQ delaying trading? In the end, not a great opportunity here with the low volume pre-market activity with no price increase.
PRGO had its first trade of the pre-market of 302,299 shares at $16.85 according to the Extending Trading Information at nasdaq.com. That was only 1-cent higher than yesterdays close and well below the after hours price level of $17.20. The pre-market saw a high of $17.11 at 9:11am and then opened at $16.87. It reached a high of $16.99 in the first minute of trading, dropped to $16.86 a few minutes later before rising a bit more to $17.01 at 9:55am and then took its bigger fall to an initial low of $16.66. So here we have a situation where the psychological price barrier was broken, but only very briefly.
RAH also had a big opening pre-market trade of 95,300 shares at $40.72, also only 1-cent above yesterdays regular close. The price then went up on the only other trade in the pre-market to $41.50. Yahoo! shows the opening first trade at $42.00 but it didn't appear to start trading right at 9:30am. The stock then went down to a low of $40.80.
These big share trades in the pre-market are a bit strange and I don't know really what to think of them yet....if they are pre-set trades? Someone buying? Someone shorting? Who was giving up all those shares? Maybe just a glitch? Any theories would be welcome.
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