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Thursday, June 01, 2006


TTM was in the red in the pre-market this morning after seeing a high of $17.04 at 8:02am after trading at $17.35 last night. It then dipped to a low of $16.12. The stock did end up closing in the green up .08-cents.

TNE, the other cheap stock, had a few oddly timed drops. After trading at around $13.40 for the first hour of the pre-market the stock then fell at 9:15am to $13.15. The stock then went up some more to $13.66 at 9:57am and dropped to $13.42 at 10:11am. It then gained for the better part of the day. So the ANGO no-short rule here worked a bit I'd say. The peaks were at odd times and the stock did run pretty well going over $14.

CIB peaked at $27.81 at 9:40am after trading at $27.50 last night. It then went down to $27.30 at 9:58am. It also traded up for the better part of the day after that initial drop. So another example where the 9:30am (ish) spike came into play. And an example where it is best to get out after the first drop because the picks can go anywhere after that, and in this case well up.

AMX had an early peak of $32.94 at 9:32am (ignoring 200 shares traded at 33.40 a few minutes before). It then dropped to $32.42 at 9:40am. It also traded higher for the better part of the day.

HXM which had the least interest last night had no pre-market action either. It traded up right from the start with no traditional Cramer peak and drop at all until later in the day, which obviously had nothing to do with the Cramer effect. I don't think a rule really needs to be made where there is little to no trading in the after hours or pre-market to stay away from shorting. Without those after/pre-market trades its really hard to judge the direction the stock may go.

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